Interjections (Ünlemler)

'Diğer Dersler' forumunda Uygu tarafından 3 Eki 2012 tarihinde açılan konu

  1. Uygu

    Uygu New Member

    Sevinç, üzüntü, şaşkınlık, acıma, öfke gibi duyguları ifade eden seslerdir. Genellikle ünlem işareti ile kullanılırlar. Konuşma dilinde yazı dilindekine göre çok daha fazla kullanılırlar.

    İngilizce’ deki ünlemler ise şunlardır:




    Well, I’m not sure!

    Well, really!


    Can yanması

    Ouch, you are stepping on my toe!


    Büyük şaşkınlık, hayranlık

    Wow! You look terrific!




    Oh! I’ve got a toothache!

    Oh! How wonderful!


    Dikkat çekmek

    İlgi, şaşkınlık, kızgınlık

    Hey! Listen to me!

    Hey! Put that down!



    Er, I don’t know what to say.


    Bir kaza veya hata ile ilgili şaşkınlık veya pişmanlık

    Oops! You must be careful.


    Üzüntü, acıma

    Alas, poor young boy!


    Hemfikir, onaylama

    Do you understand me? Uh-huh, at all.


    Tereddüt, anlamama

    Uh… I don’t get it.



    Hi! How are you doing?


    Acıma, şaşkınlık, endişe

    Oh dear! What a shame!


    Memnuniyet, şaşkınlık, hayranlık, farkına varma

    Ah, it is nice to see you again.

    Ah, there you are.


    Karşı tarafın tekrar etmesini veya hem fikir olmasını istediğimiz

    Eh? Say it again.

    This is nice, eh?


    Tereddüt, şüphe, uyuşmazlık

    Hmm. I’ m not so sure.
  2. Uygu

    Uygu New Member

    Hi! That's an interjection

    Interjection is a big name for a little word. Interjections are short exclamations like Oh!, Um or Ah! They have no real grammatical value but we use them quite often, usually more in speaking than in writing. When interjections are inserted into a sentence, they have no grammatical connection to the sentence. An interjection is sometimes followed by an exclamation mark (!) when written.
    The table below shows some interjections with examples.
    interjection meaning example
    ah expressing pleasure "Ah, that feels good."
    expressing realization "Ah, now I understand."
    expressing resignation "Ah well, it can't be heped."
    expressing surprise "Ah! I've won!"
    alas expressing grief or pity "Alas, she's dead now."
    dear expressing pity "Oh dear! Does it hurt?"
    expressing surprise "Dear me! That's a surprise!"
    eh asking for repetition "It's hot today." "Eh?" "I said it's hot today."
    expressing enquiry "What do you think of that, eh?"
    expressing surprise "Eh! Really?"
    inviting agreement "Let's go, eh?"
    er expressing hesitation "Lima is the capital"
    hello, hulloexpressing greeting "Hello John. How are you today?"
    expressing surprise "Hello! My car's gone!"
    hey calling attention "Hey! look at that!"
    expressing surprise, joy etc "Hey! What a good idea!"
    hi expressing greeting "Hi! What's new?"
    hmm expressing hesitation, doubt or disagreement "Hmm. I'm not so sure."
    oh, o expressing surprise "Oh! You're here!"
    expressing pain "Oh! I've got a toothache."
    expressing pleading "Oh, please say 'yes'!"
    ouch expressing pain "Ouch! That hurts!"
    uh expressing hesitation "Uh...I don't know the answer to that."
    uh-huh expressing agreement "Shall we go?" "Uh-huh."
    um, umm expressing hesitation "85 divided by 5"
    well expressing surprise "Well I never!"
    introducing a remark "Well, what did he say?"


    Interjections are used to add little "spice" to a literary document, or to express in words various onomatopoeic sounds. It is best to exercise moderation in style, therefore interjections should better be used with great caution. Exaggerations of any kind are always an indication of little knowledge, and of poor literary manners.

    Interjections could be:

    1. A shout, a cry, or an exclamation loaded with strong emotional content:
    Ah! Oh! Ouch! Pooh! Ugh! Eek! Yuck! Eh!

    2. One or more onomatopoeic words:
    Hem! Ha, ha! Wow! Meow! Buzz! Rat-ta-ta!

    3. An expression that loses its grammatical meaning:
    Nonsense! What! Good! Too bad! Fancy! Well! Well, well, well! Indeed!

    4. An emphatic phrase having elliptic meaning:
    Look here! What a shame! Well, I never! How nice! Oh, My!

    Sometimes interjections are marked by the exclamation point to emphasize their rich emphatic content. In most instances interjections are isolated by one comma, or within a pair of commas, in order to identify them as being interjections.

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